Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Spring Fever

Spring break for the boys and a few days off for me means one thing: baseball. We spent part of Monday 3/20 playing in the backyard.
Opening day for the Tyler and Alex kicks off with a ceremony at the Montgomery Buscuits stadium the the first weekend of April. Tyler will split his time playing catcher and pitcher this season while Alex will play shortstop. Tyler finally hit one over the fence, a big shot to center, about 150 feet, during batting practice.
Center photo shows Tyler catching a ball from Alex: Top left shows Brady smiling after hitting off his brand new tee: Bottom left is Luke trying to be like the big brothers, and photo at right is Alex smiling after catching a pop up from Tyler.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Spring Training

The boys of summer are back! Yes, baseball is finally in full swing at the Carr house with both Tyler and Alex starting practice earlier last week, getting ready for a full slate of games come April.
Above is a few from Alex's first day of practice.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Brady's trip to the dentist

I spent a bit of time tyring to prepare Brady for his first visit to the dentist on 3/2. We practiced opening our mouths, saying ahhhh, etc. Well, it didn't work. As a matter of fact, nothing worked. Needless to say, we didn't see the dentist.