Friday, February 15, 2008

"So much, my so much"

Just before I left for Baltimore, we went up to the park. I gave my camera to Tyler and told him to take a few photos. One of me and "so much, " little Brady.

Photo by Tyler Carr

Monday, February 11, 2008

"Leftover light"

Was going through some images tonight and ran across these photos of Tyler and Alex from the Switzer Bridge over Christmas that I didn't get around to posting, so here they are.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"Super Bowl Nap"

Alex looks over at Luke as he took a cat nap during the first quarter of the Super Bowl. Loyality was spilt during the game as Tyler is a huge Pats fan and Alex and I are Giants fans. Alex and I had a great time giving Tyler crap after the game but we still had fun. A great weekend.

To the Hoop!

Tyler puts up a shot during his basketball game Saturday, Feb. 2. I got to see his first basket of the season during my first trip back to Bama since November as his team won 28-17. A lot of fun.