Just before I left for Baltimore, we went up to the park. I gave my camera to Tyler and told him to take a few photos. One of me and "so much, " little Brady.
Was going through some images tonight and ran across these photos of Tyler and Alex from the Switzer Bridge over Christmas that I didn't get around to posting, so here they are.
Alex looks over at Luke as he took a cat nap during the first quarter of the Super Bowl. Loyality was spilt during the game as Tyler is a huge Pats fan and Alex and I are Giants fans. Alex and I had a great time giving Tyler crap after the game but we still had fun. A great weekend.
Tyler puts up a shot during his basketball game Saturday, Feb. 2. I got to see his first basket of the season during my first trip back to Bama since November as his team won 28-17. A lot of fun.