CCB Weekend!!

Spent a great and busy weekend with the boys in Kentucky. We packed a lot into three days. Took a six-mile canoe trip, played a bunch of baseball, threw the football, saw a movie, and of course, hung out and caught up. And for the record, while throwing to Tyler in the cage, even though I was using a screen, he still managed to nail me in the elbow with a line drive. Ouch.
The canoe trip was by far the highlight of the weekend, but I was smart enough to not bring a camera that would end up in Elkhorn Creek. While I missed some really nice images, I'm glad I could enjoy being their Dad without worrying about dropping a camera in the water.
Alex was a complete trooper on the canoe trip. He went the entire six miles by himself, as did Tyler. I had the pleasure of having both Brady and Luke in a canoe with me. Luke sat in my lap the whole time while Brady did nothing but ask questions and talk for three hours! While Alex had trouble at first figuring out how to steer a kayak, by the end of the trip he was a real pro. I think, and I hope, that he learned a lot about life from the trip. About how to keep plugging along and getting it done, which he did.
Above, Alex, left, and Tyler, run through quarterback drills while we throwing the football in the front yard of their grandparents home in Frankfort.
Hope you enjoy the images, I enjoyed seeing them and photographing them.