Saturday, June 27, 2009

Red Hot Brady!

Brady, playing for the YMCA Reds, connects for a nice double during his game against Orioles Saturday morning.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Super Lukie!

Luke gets some air while being tossed to Tyler in the pool at the hotel in Florence, Ky. Photo by Alex Carr

Pool Boys

Brady, Alex, Luke, and Tyler, peace at the pool in Florence, Ky.

At it again

Tyler and Alex go at it again while enjoying a nice, peaceful afternoon at the pool in Florence, Ky. Funny how things can get out of hand in a matter of seconds with those two. All ended well. See the next post.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Nice catch

Alex makes a nice diving catch on a fly ball while playing shortstop during their tournament win in Frankfort, Ky. They play in the semi's on Thursday. Nice catch buddy.


Alex pumps his fist at short after his team got an out during their tournament win in Frankfort, Ky. They advance to the semi's on Thursday.

I'm gonna "peg" you Brady!

Luke, fixing to peg Brady while playing dodge ball against the dugout during Alex's game in Frankfort.

Hanging at the ol' ballgame

Luke, swinging from the bleachers during Alex's tournament game in Frankfort.